English and Basque.

Camp 1
(1st and 2nd grades of pre-primary education).

Camp 2
(3rd grade of pre-primary education, 1st and 2nd grades of primary education).

Camp 3
(4th-6th grades of primary education).
Outings to different parks.
Various games and activities.
We commute by bike every day (it is essential to be proficient on public roads).

 Dates and registration:
22 and 23 June.
Week 26 – 30 June.
Week 3 – 7 July.
Week 10 – 14 July.
Week 17 – 21 July.

Registration deadlines: 
From 8 to 27 May.
The camps are offered to students from the school and from outside the school.
From 7 June the activity will be charged (until 3 June 75% of the fee will be refunded in case of cancellation.  After this date there will be no refunds unless there is a justified cause).

Campus 9:00 h to 13:00 h.
Canteen 13:00 h to 15:00 h.
Childcare 8:00 h to 09:00 h.

Full or single days 8.11 € per day.

2.80€ per day.

Kanpus clothing:
Each participant will be given a cap, a backpack and two campus T-shirts.
(If you only participate in the first 2 days, you will only be given a T-shirt).

English and Basque.

Musical games.
Rhythmic activities.

Rhythmic activities.

Dates and registration:
Week of 4 to 8 September.
Registration deadlines: From 8 to 27 May.
From 7 June the activity will be charged (until 3 June 75% of the fee will be refunded in case of cancellation.  After this date there will be no refunds unless there is a justified cause.

Campus 9:00 h to 13:00 h.
Canteen 13:00 h to 15:00 h.
Childcare 8:00 h to 09:00 h.

Camp: 94€.
Canteen: 7.95 €/day.
Childcare: 2.75 €/day.

Only for URKIDE students
Pupils from 1st grade of Pre-primary Education to 6th grade of Primary Education.
1st grade of pre-primary education during 2021/2022.